Fruits for the Week

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It is not surprising that all the revealed religions have prohibited fornication and adultery (zina) and have fought against these crimes against society. Islam, the last of the divinely revealed religions, is very strict in prohibiting zina, for it leads to confusion of lineage, child abuse, the breaking-up of families, bitterness in relationships, the spread of venerable diseases, and general laxity in morals, moreover, it opens the door to a flood of lusts and self-gratifications. Assuredly, the command of Allah,” And do not come near Zina; indeed, it is an abomination and an evil way,” (17: 32), is just and true.

Jabir ibn Abdillah (RA) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:” Between a man and shirk and disbelief is the abandonment of salah (formal prayer).” (Muslim and Ahmad)

This hadith establishes that the barrier between a person and polytheism/disbelief is the performance of the five daily required prayers. This demonstrates how dangerous it is to abandon the salah. Salah, indeed, represents a clear division between a Muslim and a non-Muslim; it differentiates between those who are grateful to Allah (SWT) and those who are ungrateful.

In the Muslim society there may be people who are unable to work, and who have no well-off relatives who can spend on them. What can these poor and weak people do? What can the needy who are unable to work, such as orphans and widows, the elderly, the mentally and physically handicapped, the blind, and the sick?

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