Fruits for the Week

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Upon returning from Hajj in the month of Dhul-Hijjah, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) remained in Al-Madinah for the rest of the month and the months of Al-Muharram and Safar of the year of 10 Hijrah. He (SAW) quickly began to mobilize a huge army, and he (SAW) appointed Usamah ibn Zaid ibn Harithah (RA) to be its leader, ordering him to lead his army to the lands of Al-Balqa and Palestine. It was around that time that the Prophet’s final illness began. It is related that the first signs of his illness appeared at the end of the month of Safar. Some scholars set the exact date of the beginning of his illness as the 22nd of Safar; others believe it was the 29th; and yet others said that he first became ill at the beginning of the month of Rabi’ul Awwal.

At any rate, the Prophet (SAW) knew about the nearness of his death, that is why he (SAW) bid farewell to the martyrs of Uhud and to the Muslims that were buried in Al-Baqi’, Al-Madinah’s graveyard. On one of the days he (SAW) returned from Al-Baqi, he entered upon Aishah (RA), who, at the time, was suffering from a severe headache. She (RA) said, “O my head!” The Prophet (SAW) was also experiencing a great deal of pain in his head. The Prophet (SAW) then said to Aishah (RA), “And what harm would it do you if you died before me, and if I then stood over you, enshrouded you, prayed over you, and buried you?” Aishah playfully replied, “By Allah, it is if I can see you have done all of that, after which you return to my home and consummate your marriage with one of your (newest wives).” The Prophet (SAW) then smiled. (Bukhari)

Shortly thereafter, the Prophet’s pain became unbearable. At the time, he (SAW) was in Maimunah’s house. He (SAW) then summoned his wives and asked their permission to be taken care of in Aishah’s apartment. They of course acquiesced to the Prophet’s request.

The Prophet (SAW) then went out, dragging his feet on the ground, while two men, one on each side, helped him get to Aishah’s apartment. It is related that one of the two men was Abbas (RA) and the other was Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA). (Bukhari)

After the Prophet (SAW) entered Aishah’s apartment, his pain worsened, and he (SAW) said, “Pour seven canteens (of water) over me and use canteens whose seals have not been broken. Perhaps I will (go out and) advise the people.” He (SAW) was then helped into a makeshift bathtub that belonged to Hafsah (RA), after which water was poured onto him from those canteens. The Prophet (SAW) then went out to the people, led them in prayer, and delivered a sermon to them. (Bukhari)

According to a narration that is related by Aishah (RA), one day, while the Prophet (SAW) was feeling weak and heavy, he (SAW) asked, “Have the people prayed?” He (SAW) was told, “No, they waiting for you, O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet (SAW) said, “Put water for me in a bucket.” The Prophet (SAW) took a bath, after which he got up, intending to go out to the people. But no sooner did he get up than he fainted. When he (SAW) regained consciousness, he (SAW) again asked, “Have the people performed prayer?” He (SAW) was told, “No, they are waiting for you, O Messenger of Allah.” He (SAW) said, “Put some water in a bucket for me.” When water was poured for him, he (SAW) sat down and took a bath, after which he tried to get up and go out to the people. But once again he (SAW) passed out. When he (SAW) regained consciousness, he (SAW) again asked, “Have the people performed prayer?” And again, he (SAW) was told, “No, they are waiting for you, O Messenger of Allah.” He (SAW) said, “Pour some water into a bucket for me.” When the bucket was filled for him, he sat down and took another bath. When he tried to go out, he passed out yet another time. When he (SAW) regained consciousness, he (SAW) asked, “Have the people performed prayer”? He (SAW) was told, “No, they are waiting for you, O Messenger of Allah.” They were, as Aishah (SAW) mentioned, waiting for the Prophet (SAW) to lead them in the Isha prayer. Rather than try and go out again, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) sent word to Abu Bakr (RA) ordering him to lead the people in prayer in his place.

When the Prophet (SAW) was face-to-face with Abu Bakr (RA), he said, “Verily, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) orders you to lead the people in prayer.” Abu Bakr (RA), who was a soft-hearted man, said, “O’ Umar (RA), lead the people in prayer,” to which Umar (RA) replied, “You are more deserving of that honor than I am.”

In the days that followed, Abu Bakr (RA) led the people in prayer. Then, one day, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) felt a renewed sense of vigor and energy, and so he (SAW) went out with the help of two men – one of them was Al-Abbas (RA), and the other was Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA). This took place at the time of the Dhuhr prayer.

(To be continued)

by Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani

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