Fruits for the Week

Header Last edition English


The true Muslim is the furthest removed from hypocrisy, flattery, and false praise., because the guidance of Islam protects him from sinking to the lowest level, as so many people nowadays have done, without realizing that they have sunk to the depth of disastrous, loathsome hypocrisy.

AS A Muslim, you become humble when you abjure such negative qualities as pride, arrogance, and haughtiness; when you recognize your place in the universe and give up delusions of grandeur; and when you avoid giving any indication to people that you are superior to them. Since human beings are inherently boastful and think well of themselves, humbleness is an elusive quality for many of us; if we wish to adopt it, we must struggle and act contrary to our souls’ inherent inclinations; we must, if you will, swim against the current. Because humbleness is a quality that comes through effort and struggle, Allah (SWT) praised those of His slaves who are humble: “And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply with mild words of gentleness.” (Qur’an 25: 63)

The word ‘Ar-Raheem’ is repeated in the Holy Qur’an 115 times as the name of Allah. Mercy implies a comparison with other beings or with other times or places, while there is no being like unto Allah. Mercy may imply piety, patience, or forgiveness – all which the sinner needs and Allah Most Merciful bestows in abundant measure. Where the terrible consequences of evil (the rejection of Allah) are mentioned, there is always stress laid on Allah’s attributes of Grace and Mercy.

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