Fruits for the Week

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When the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) sighted the moon of Rajab, he used to pray to Allah in the following words: “Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa sha’bana waballighna Ramadhana.” (O Allah! Make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us and let us reach the month of Ramadhan).

Our Prophet (SAW) said: “Knowledge, enables the possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way of heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery, it is our ornament amongst friends and an armor against enemies.”

Allah (SWT) said: “O my Lord! Advance me in knowledge.” (Qur’an 20: 114)

The very first word in Islam is the word “Read” (Qur’an 96:1), a very important and valuable word in education and training. This is the very first command given to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), a man who did not know how to read but who afterward rose up to the pinnacle of educatedness and wisdom. It is this first word that spurred him to show people the importance of knowledge and skills in life.

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