Fruits for the Week

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Jabir ibn Abdillah (ra) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Between a man and shirk and disbelief is the abandonment of salah (formal prayer).” (Muslim and Ahmad)

One of the distinctive aspects of the Muslim’s social conduct is his use of the greeting of salaam. In Islam, greeting with salaam is not regarded as being the matter of a social custom defined by men, which may be changed and adapted according to time and circumstances. Greeting with salaam is clearly defined etiquette which has been commanded by Almighty Allah in His Book, and rules and regulations concerning this greeting have been set out in numerous hadiths to which the scholars of hadith devoted an entirely chapter called kataab as-salaam or bab as-salaam.

Regardless of the number of hours you put in or how efficiently you try to work, it is important to remember that ultimately all knowledge comes to us from Allah (swt). It is Allah who has blessed us with our minds and given us the ability and opportunity to seek knowledge. The following Qur’anic du’a is a good one to repeat often: “O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” (Taha: 114)

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