Fruits for the Week

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The Messenger (saw) said: “The one who has an ant’s weight of arrogance in their heart shall not enter Paradise.” A man said: “Indeed, one loves his clothes and his shoes to be nice.” He said: “Allah is beautiful and loves beautification. Arrogance is rejection of the truth and the belittling of people.” (Muslim)

There are many lessons we can learn from such a short speech that was delivered on 9th Dhul Hijjah 10 AH in the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafat.

This is also a way of showing concern for people. How great it is to meet a person on occasion, such as in a bank, or plane, or wedding party, and then be acquainted with his name; thereafter, when you see him on a different occasion, you go up to him and say: “Hallo, so-and-so!” Undoubtedly, this would implant in his heart love and respect for you.

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