Fruits for the Week

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Soon after the Muslims returned to Madinah, Khalid bin Walid (ra), one of the bravest fighters amongst the Quraish, accepted Islam. He led the Muslims to many victorious over the enemies of Islam. He was known as the “Sword of Allah”.

The Quraish were the first to break the promise of Al-Hudaybiyah by fighting those who were under the protection of the Muslims in Madinah. Muhammad (saw) decided it was time to end all fighting with Quraish.

The Prophet (saw) ordered an army of ten thousand men to march towards Mecca. They marched for eight days until they reached a place called Marr Az-Zahran which is on the border of Mecca.

The Quraish were not ready for a battle so they sent Abu Sufyan, a leader of the Quraish, to meet Muhammad (saw). He asked the Muslims to return to Madinah in peace. At this meeting Abu Sufyan accepted Islam. He then went back to Mecca with a message from Muhammad (saw) to give up fighting and to make way for the Muslim army to take over Mecca.

Abu Sufyan said to the Quraish: “He who seeks protection in my house is safe, whoever stays in their houses are safe and those who lived around the Ka’bah are safe too.”

Having announced that to the people of Quraish, he waited for the Muslim army to arrive. When the army entered Mecca with Muhammad (saw) on his favorite camel, Qaswa, the streets were deserted and there was hardly anyone, willing to fight them.

Allah (swt) the All-Mighty gave the Muslims victory over those who wished to defeat His Messenger, Muhammad (saw). Muhammad (saw) asked the Muslims to be kind to the Quraish. He ordered the Muslim army to break all the idols that were around the Ka’bah. Having completed the task, he spoke to all the Muslims who were in Makkah. He said that Allah (swt) has created us from a male and female and made us into nations and tribes that we may know one another. Verily, the best among you is the one who fears Allah (swt) and does good, for He knows and sees everything that is happening around us.

The Muslims were now the guardians of Makkah. by the mercy of Muhammad (saw) and his companions, the worst enemies of the of the Muslims were forgiven. They, in turn accepted Islam. The whole Arabia was now under the Muslims.

Muhammad (saw) sent small groups of trusted companions to invite their neighbors to Islam. They were warned to have fear of Allah (swt) in their mission and to break the idols of Uzza, Suwwa and Manat.

One of the tribes that put up a fight were the Arabs of Taif. The Muslim army surrounded the city until they surrendered. When they were taken as prisoners, they were treated kindly by Muhammad (saw) and set free. Soon they too became Muslims.

Many of the tribes heard about Islam and the kindness shown by the Muslims to the Quraish in Makkah. They sent their leaders to meet Muhammad (saw). Having met him, they had no doubt that he was indeed a true Messenger of Allah (swt).

They accepted Islam and went home to teach their own tribes to worship Allah (swt) alone. They broke all the idols that they had used to worship in the past, until there was none left in all of Arabia.

Muhammad (saw) and his companions returned to Madinah soon after all the people had accepted Islam in Makkah. After having successfully completed his mission of calling the people to Islam, he knew this his days in this life were numbered.

Muhammad (saw) called all his people to perform the hajj pilgrimage. Thousands of Muslims from around Arabia joined him. They came by land and from over the mountains, with some walking while others came riding.

They first performed Umrah before the hajj. They all followed Muhammad (saw) in all his acts of worship. They stayed in Mina before going to Mount Arafat. There, the Messenger of Allah (saw) spoke to all the Muslims who had gathered on the mountain. He told his people to listen carefully to what he had to say for he may not be amongst them after that year.

Muhammad (saw) wanted the Muslims to support each other and to be kind to their families and slaves. He reminded them that every Muslim was a brother to one another and should do good and stop all evil. He said: “Tell your brothers who are not here today, for they may remember what they heard better than the one who heard it.” He reminded them to fear Allah (swt), the All Mighty. There were many Muslims who had tears in their eyes while listening to him.

After finally throwing seven pebbles at the Jamrah, they sacrificed their camels and then shaved their heads. The Muslims finished their hajj by doing a farewell tawaf around the Ka’bah and then they all returned home.

Before Muhammad (saw) became ill, he sent a huge army from Madinah to spread Islam under the leadership of Usamah bin Zaid who was only twenty years of age. The message of Islam spread from Arabia to Spain and from Indonesia to far off China. Just as the Muslim army had left Madinah, Muhammad (saw) was overcome by his illness.

He spent his last days leading his followers in prayer. When his illness became worse he got the permission of his wives to spend the last few days of his life with his youngest wife Aishah (ra). Death came to him on Monday, as Muhammad (saw) was resting in the arms of Aishah (ra).

by Abu Zahir

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