Fruits for the Week

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Allah (swt) said: “Indeed, those who have said: Our Lord is Allah and then remained on a right course, the angels will descend upon them saying: Do not fear and do not grieve.” (Fussilat 41: 30)

Dr. Rolf Freiherr Von Ehrenfels is the only son of Prof. Dr. Baron Christian Ehrenfels, who is known as the founder of Gestalt psychology all over the world. He belongs to a well-known family. He was only a small child when he felt a growing concern for the orient and began to study the Islamic religion. His sister Imma Von Rodmesrhof writes about this inclination of her brother’s in detail in a book of hers, which was published in Lahore in 1953.

The Prophet (saw) said: “The most virtuous of virtues is to connect (and have good relations) with those who cut you off, to give to those who deny you, and to overlook and pardon those who revile (or falsely accuse) you.” (Ahmad)

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