Fruits for the Week

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The Prophet (saw) said: “Verily, Allah recorded the good deeds and evil deeds. Then he clarified how (that recording should occur) whoever decided to do a good deed but he did not do it, Allah recorded it with Him as a complete good deed. And if he decided to do it and actually did it, Allah recorded it with Him as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times up to many times over. If he decided to do an evil deed but he did not do it, Allah records it with Him as one complete good deed. If he decided to do it and he actually did it, Allah records it as one evil deed.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

 Eight categories of people, according to the Qur’an, are entitled to receive zakah:

Indeed, Allah the Mighty and Majestic has kept the doors of seeking forgiveness open for all those who have committed major sins, so that none may despair of Allah’s mercy. Even if they have committed sins and atrocities, such as shirk (associating partners with Allah), killing an innocent person and committing adultery etc. Thus Allah has kept the doors of repentance open for them, so that they may turn penitently to Allah from their evil acts before they die.

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