Fruits for the Week

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Narrated Uqbag ibn Amir (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said: “Beware of being with the ladies.” A man from the Ansar asked: “Allah’s Messenger! What about the close male relatives of the husband (such as his brother or nephew, who are not mahram for his wife)?” The Prophet (saw) replied: “They are death itself.” (Bukhari). In a similar hadith, Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “No man should stay with a lady in seclusion except in the present of a mahram.” A man stood up and said: “O Allah’s Messenger! My wife has gone out, intending to perform the hajj, and I have been enlisted (in the army) for such-and-such campaign.” The Prophet (saw) said: “Return and perform the hajj with your wife.” (Bukhari)

Narrated Uqbag ibn Amir (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said: “Beware of being with the ladies.” A man from the Ansar asked: “Allah’s Messenger! What about the close male relatives of the husband (such as his brother or nephew, who are not mahram for his wife)?” The Prophet (saw) replied: “They are death itself.” (Bukhari). In a similar hadith, Ibn Abbas (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “No man should stay with a lady in seclusion except in the present of a mahram.” A man stood up and said: “O Allah’s Messenger! My wife has gone out, intending to perform the hajj, and I have been enlisted (in the army) for such-and-such campaign.” The Prophet (saw) said: “Return and perform the hajj with your wife.” (Bukhari)

C. The only true guidance

In the final analysis there remains only one source of truth: that one Supreme Being from whom you can get the necessary light. Allah (swt) is All-Knowing and All-Seeing. He knows the inner reality of all things. He alone can tell you precisely what is to your benefit and what is to your detriment. He alone can lay down which actions are right for you and which are wrong. He has no vested interests and no axe to grind. He has no need to secure any benefit by deception. Therefore, whatever directions that Holy and Self-Subsistent Being gives you will be without any ulterior motive and will be intended exclusively for your benefit.

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