Fruits for the Week

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The Prophet (saw) said:” It is better for a man to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle than it is for him to touch a woman whom he is not permitted to touch.” (At-Tabrani)

Some people are overzealously in making observations and passing comments. They do not seem to ever stop praising or being complimentary. However, as the old saying goes, “When something transgresses the limits, it becomes its opposite”, or “Whoever hurries for something before its due time, is often punished by being deprived thereof.”

The true, generous Muslim gives charity especially to those who deserve help. He seeks out those among the poor and destitute who are too proud to ask people for anything so that most people think that they are free from want. He goes to them, knocks at their doors, and gives them whatever will meet their needs and preserve their honor. This is because those poor but proud people are the first ones who should be helped.

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