Fruits for the Week

Header Last edition English

The true Muslim who sincerely seeks to follow the teachings of his religion is generous, and seeks to do good to the members of his society on all occasions and in all circumstances.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last of the prophets; he was sent by Allah to all human kind. That is why his message had to be complete and inclusive of all aspects of life on both individual and societal levels.

During Hajjatul wada’ (Farewell Hajj) on the tenth year of Hijrah, the Prophet (saw) delivered a speech to pilgrims: “All thanks are due to Allah, whom we thank, seek for help, invoke for forgiveness and repent to. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil within ourselves and from the burden of our evil deeds. He whom Allah guides will never be misled and he whom He misguides will never find one to guide him. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah Alone, who is without partners, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. O slaves of Allah! I recommend you to have fear from Allah and encourage you to obey Him, starting my speech with that which is better. O People! Hear from me and I will explain to you, for I do not know if I will meet you after this year of yours and this gathering of yours (at Arafah).”

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