Fruits for the Week

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8, Universal mercy. The essence of Islam and its prophet’s mission is summed up in the following verse:” And (thus, O Muhammad), We have not sent you, but as mercy to all the worlds” (21:107). To remove any particularization of this mercy, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) explained that mercy is not being merciful to one’s companion but merciful to all. He also explained,” He who is merciful to others, will be treated mercifully.” (Bukhari).

4, Universal justice. The Arabic term for justice is ‘Adl’, which means, “to be in a state of equilibrium.” That balance is inherent in the cosmic order and ecology as much as it is inherent in spiritual and ethical values. The Qur’an warns against disturbing that balance. Within that broad contact, we can examine the concept of justice as it relates to human relationships based on Islam’s primary sources. Briefly, that concept has the following characteristics:

It should be noted from the beginning that the very term “Islam” implies that peace is the basis and the norm of Muslim – non-Muslim relations. Islam is derived from the Arabic root (S-L-M) whose generic meaning includes the concepts “peace” and “submission”.

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