Masjid Ammar was built and occupied back in the 1980s and has been serving the Ummah in Hong Kong. Since than a place to congregate and pray, the masjid is also used to provide a place for lectures, Iftar and other activities. In view of the high usage, The Islamic Union has constantly been carrying out necessary repairs and maintenance.
Now you can be part of this Nobel cause by making a donation / Sadaqah to the delicated cause.
Donate and give sadaqah to the MosqueMaintance Building Fund. This fund is used to carry out the maintenance of Masjid Ammar.
The word sadaqah literally means righteousness. In Islam, it refers to a virtuous deed or an act of kindness done without the expectation of getting anything in return in order to please Allah. Sadaqah also describes a voluntary charitable act towards others, whether through generosity, love, compassion, or faith. These acts are not necessarily physical or monetary. Simple good deeds such as a smile, or a helping hand, are seen as acts of sadaqah.
Sadaqah jariyah is a special type of voluntary charity. It is ongoing. The recipient will benefit from the charity continually, and it is believed that this means that the giver will be receiving good deeds for a long time – even after his death. For example, giving water, through establishing a water hand pump or well, however, is an act of sadaqah jariyah. A water well allows people to obtain water whenever they wish, and the longevity of the intervention means that it will benefit people for generations to come. In turn, the donation to water projects will continue benefiting the giver for years to come, even long after he has passed away. For this reason, many Muslims strive to give sadaqah jariyah, so that they may reap as many rewards as possible and seek closeness to Allah (SWT).
No. It is not the same thing.
Zakat and sadaqah are forms of worship done by Muslims. The two are different in their own respects. All actions of righteousness in Islam are considered sadaqah. Zakat, on the other hand, is a form of charity of a compulsive nature in which the rich have to pay, and it is one of the five fundamental foundations of Islam. This makes it a compulsory act, and therefore, all Muslims must give zakat, provided they meet certain conditions, while sadaqah is an intended and continuous act of uprightness, which everyone has to carry out no matter what their ability.
Sadaqah is a voluntary form of charity that can be performed by anyone, for anyone including animals.
As there are loose rules around giving sadaqah, there are no rules on who can receive sadaqah as it is an act of kindness intended to provide aid and support to anyone in need – but they must be in need.
Zakat (poor-due) is the third pillar of Islam. It is obligatory but only for those Muslim men and women who possess wealth above a certain limit. The word zakat means to purify. It purifies and protects our soul from miserliness, selfishness, and greed, and purifies our wealth from the evils of this world.
It is a form of worship (ibadah) in terms of wealth. Zakat cleanses your soul, purifies and grows your wealth, and is a socio-religious tool to help eradicate poverty in a community or society. Zakat is also a spiritual bridge and connection to Allah to purify your wealth for the will of Allah and to His cause is to acknowledge that everything one owns belongs to Him, and it is for Him that we strive to end poverty.
There are four simple steps to working out your zakat:
Since the payment of zakat is an act of worship, its validity depends upon the expression of one’s intention. That is, the zakat payer should pay it for the sake of Allah; he should make up his mind, with all of his heart that zakat is an obligation to be discharged.
Nisab is the minimum amount that a Muslim must have before being obliged to zakat. The Nisab was set by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at a rate equivalent to 87.48 grams of gold and 612.36 grams of silver
As we no longer use gold or silver as currency, you need to find out the equivalent monetary exchange value of the rates the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) set in your local currency. You can do this by checking the market rate of gold and silver. The two values used to calculate the Nisab threshold are gold and silver.
Zakat is payable if you have completed the Haul which is a period of 1 Hijri year (355 days). For first-timers, your Haul period begins when your savings account first meets the Nisab. For recurring zakat payers, the Haul period begins from the last zakat payment date.
Fajr | 05:38 |
Chourouk | 06:54 |
Zhur | 12:42 |
Asr | 16:45 |
Maghrib | 18:24 |
Ishaa | 19:37 |
Khutbah |
13:15 |