Fruits for the Week

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The hearts of the people of Paradise will be pure, their speech will be good, their deeds righteous.

Usama ibn Zaid (R.A) reports that he asked Prophet Muhammad (SAW): “O messenger of Allah! I have seen you fasting in the month of Sha’ban so frequently that I have never seen you fasting in any other month.” Prophet Muhammad (SAW) replied:”Sha’ban is a month between Rajab and Ramadhan which is neglected by many people. And it is a month in which an account of the deeds is presented before the Lord of the Universe, so, I wish that my deeds be presented at a time when I am in a state of fasting.” (Ahmad and Nasai) 

The pleasures of this world are tangible and present, “here and now,” whilst the delights of the Paradise are as yet unseen promises.

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