Fruits for the Week

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(2) Evidence that points to the existence of the jinn

(a) Their existence is well established in Islam and is something which no Muslim has any excuse for not knowing

Ibn Taymiyyah says: “None of the groups of the Muslims dispute that the jinn exist or that Allah sent Muhammad (saw) to them too. Most of the groups of the kuffar also affirm that the jinn exist. The People of the Book, the Jews and Christians, also believe in them as the Muslims do, although there are some among them who deny that, just as they are some among the Muslims who deny that, as the Jahamiyyah and Mu’tazilah. However the majority of the groups and their leaders believe in that.

This is because the existence of the jinn is something that is well established and well known in the reports of the Prophets, and it is something which is well established and there is no excuse for not knowing it. There is no excuse for not knowing that they are living rational beings who act upon their free will; indeed they are subject to commands and prohibitions. They are not merely symptoms or characteristics which exist in human being or other creature as some of the heretics claim. Because the matter of the jinn is something which is well known and well established from the Prophets, both the common folk and the elite know of that, so no group which claims to follow the noble Messengers can deny that.”

He also said: “All the groups of the Muslims affirm that the jinn exist, as do most of the kuffar, such as most of the People of the Book, and the majority of the mushrik Arabs and others among the descendents of Ham, and the Canaanites and Greeks among the descendents of Japheth. The majority of groups believe in the existence of the jinn.”

The Imam of the Haramain said: “The scholars unanimously agreed at the time of the Sahaabah and Tabi’een that the jinn and devils exist and that we should seek refuge with Allah from their evil. No person who has any trace of religious commitment apposes this consensus.”

(b) Text of the Qur’an and Hadith

Many texts affirm that the jinn exist, such as the following verses: “Say O Muhammad, it has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listened to this Qur’an.” (Qur’an 72: 1). Allah (swt) also said: “And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the males among the jinn, but they (jinn) increased them (mankind) in sin and transgression.” (Qur’an 72: 6).

There are many texts, which we will quote in the course of this discussion, even though the fact that they are so many and so well-known means that there is no need to quote them.

(c) Sightings and eye-witness accounts

Many people in our times and in the past have seen things like that, even though many of those who have seen or heard them did not realize that they were jinn; they claimed that they were ghosts, or the “men of the unseen” or space aliens.

The most truthful report of this type is the report that the Messenger (saw) saw the jinn and that he spoke with them and they with him, that he taught them and recited the Qur’an to them. 

Donkeys and dogs see the jinn

Even though we can not see the jinn, other living creatures such as donkeys and dogs can see them. Bukhari and Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said: “If you hear the crowing of the rooster, then ask Allah of His bounty, for it has seen an angel. And if you hear the braying of a donkey, then seek refuge with Allah from the Satan, for it has seen a devil.

Abu Dawud narrated that Jaabir ibn Abdillah (ra) said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ‘If you hear the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey, then seek refuge with Allah, for they see that which you do not see.

The idea that animals see things which we can not is not strange. The scientists have discovered the ability of some living creatures to see things that we can not see. Bees can see ultra-violet rays and are therefore able to see the sun even when it is cloudy, and an owl can see a mouse in the darkest night.

(To be continued)

by Dr. Omar Al-Ashqar

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