Fruits for the Week

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4. Ali Ibn Abi Talib (D. 40 AH)

He is Ali Ibn Abi Talib Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim al-Qurashi al-Hashimi (ra). Abu Turab was one of the most beloved names to him due to the Prophet (saw) calling him. The fourth Rightly Guided Khalifah and one of the ten promised Paradise.

He was brought up in the house of the Prophet (saw) and accepted Islam at the age of thirteen. Ali was of fair complexion, wide-eyed and had a broad forehead. His hair was thick both on his head and in his beard. When he became old, his hair turned grey, but he did not dye it. He had a cheerful demeanour that matched his handsome face, and he was broad-shouldered, his palms were thick and strong.

He could throw a rider from his mount, and he could seize a man in such a way that he could not breath. He could carry a heavy door that would require a band of men. He was famous for his chivalry, bravery and knowledge.

He married Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet (saw). Ali was present in Badr, Uhud, and Trench battle, besides all the rest except the expedition of Tabuk, because the Prophet (saw) had asked him to stay behind with his family.

Ali was one of the most profoundly knowledgeable and wise among the companions. One of the companions described Ali as,’ By Allah, he had a vision and a mighty power. He had an ability to distinguish right from wrong, and he judged people and situations with justness. Knowledge permeated from him, and his speech indicated his wisdom. He disdained the worldly life and felt comfort in the night for worship. If we came to him, he would draw us near to him. If we asked him, he would answer us. Despite our nearness to him and his nearness to us, we would not dare speak to him due to our awe of him. When he smiles his teeth are like pearls.’

Ali was martyred in the year 40 AH (660 CE) and his son Al-Hasan performed the funeral prayer for his father and buried him in Al-Kufah, the grave was concealed lest it would be exhumed. He died at the age of sixty-three years. 

5. Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqas (D. 55 AH)

He is Sa’ad Ibn Malik Ibn Ahib Ibn Abdul Munaf al-Qurashi al-Zuhri Abu Ishaq Ibn Abi Waqqas (ra). He was short in height and had a brown complexion. His hair was curly, and he was particularly known for his sharp vision. He was one of the ten companions promised Paradise. He accepted Islam early. He was the first to be struck by an arrow in the path of Allah and first to shoot an arrow. He was one whom the Prophet (saw) said to,’ May my father and mother be sacrificed for you.’ He witnessed Badr and whatever came after it.

He was known as the maternal uncle of the Prophet (saw) and one whose supplications were answered. Sa’ad served as a provincial governor under both Umar and Uthman, and led the Muslims armies. He died at Al-Atiq in the year 55AH (675 CE) according to what is popular at the age of seventy three. He requested to be buried in the same shrouds that he wore on the day of Badr. He was the last of the ten companions promised Paradise to pass away.

6. Talhah Ibn Ubaidullah (D. 36 AH)

He is Talhah Ibn Ubaidullah Ibn Uthman Ibn Amr Ibn Ka’b Ibn Sa’ad Ibn Taym Ibn Murrah al-Taymi (ra). Abu Muhammad, commonly known as Talhah al-Khayr and Talhah al-Fayad (the exuberant) due to his great generosity.

He was black in complexion with thick but straight hair. He was handsome, and he walked with a quick pace. He did not dye his grey hair. He accepted Islam early at the hands of Abu Bakr. And he was one of the ten companions promised Paradise.

He was loyal and unwavering companion of the Prophet (saw). In the battle of Uhud when the Muslim army was in disarray he swore to stay by the Prophet (saw) even if it meant death. He survived the Battle of al-Jamal in the year 36 AH (656 CE). He was buried in Basrah and he was sixty three years old.                    (To be continued)

Prepared by Abdul Muhaemin Karim

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