Fruits for the Week

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9. The permissibility of lying down in the Masjid

As indicated by the Prophet’s practice, it is permissible to lie down in the Masjid. Abdullah Ibn Zaid Ibn Asim reported that he once saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) lying down in the Masjid, with one of his legs placed over the other. Ibn Shihab related that Sa’eed Ibn Musayyib said:” Umar and Uthman would do that as well.” (Bukhari). If you do lie down in the Masjid, you must be sure that no private area of your body will become exposed as a result, for depending on what kind of clothes you are wearing, you may expose a private area of your body if you place one leg over the other.

10. The prohibition of buying and selling in the Masjid

It is forbidden to buy and sell in the Masjid. A Masjid is not built to be a store or market place; instead it is built for the remembrance of Allah, for establishing prayer, for educating Muslims about their religious affairs, and so on. In fact, if you see a man buying or selling anything in the Masjid, you should make a supplication against him, saying,” May Allah not make your trade profitable.” (Tirmidhi)

11. The Prohibition of asking or making an announcement in the masjid about a lost possession.

Allah’s Masjids are built for His remembrance, His glorification, the recitation of the Qur’an, and prayer; they are not built as places where people go to ask about their lost possessions. Abu Hurairah (ra) related that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:” Whoever hears a person asks or makes an announcement in the Masjid about a lost possession, should say,’ May Allah not return it to you,’ for Masjids were not built for this.” (Muslim)

12. Speaking loudly in the Masjid

As-Saaib Ibn Yazid said:” I was standing in the Masjid when a man pelted me with a small pebble. When I looked around, I saw that it was Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra). He (saw) said:” Go and bring me these two men.” I brought them to him, and he (saw) said:” Who are you two?” or he said:” Where are you two from?” They said:” From the people of Taif.” He (saw) said:” Had you been from the people of this land, I would have made you feel pain: you raise your voices in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allah (swt).” (Bukhari).

13. It is recommended to adorn oneself for the Jumu’ah prayer and for the two Eid prayers

You should, based on what is encouraged in the Shariah, wear beautiful clothes to adorn yourself with for the Jumu’ah prayer and for the two Eid prayers. To fully adorn yourself for the Jumu’ah prayer, you should anoint yourself with some perfume or oils.

14. The prohibition of leaving the Masjid after the call to prayer is made

When the call to prayer is made and you are inside of the Masjid, it is makrooh (disliked) for you to leave, unless you have an excuse, such as the need to renew your wudhu. Abu Ash-Sha’thaa said:” We were sitting in the Masjid with Abu Hurairah (ra) when the muadhin performed the call to prayer. A man stood up and left the Masjid walking. Meanwhile, Abu Hurairah followed him with his gaze until exited from the Masjid. Abu hurairah (ra) then said:” As for him, he has indeed disobeyed Abul Qasim (Prophet Muhammad).” (Muslim)

15. Praying behind the men of the congregation and not mixing with them.

The rows of women in a Masjid are behind the rows of men, and the further a woman is from men, the better it is for her. Abu Hurairah (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:” The best of rows of the men is the first one and worse of them is the last one. The best of rows for women is the last one, and the worse of them is the first one.” (Muslim)

When men are in close proximity to women, their minds might become distracted through temptation and desire, and they will not pray with concentration and a presence of mind and heart. And that is why the Shariah encourages men to be at a distance from women in the Masjid.

Even after he finished leading the people in prayer, the Prophet (saw) made sure that men and women remained separated. When he finished his prayer, he would remain in the spot he prayed in for s short while, so as to allow the women to leave before the men and to set out to their homes before the men reached them at the entrance of the Masjid.


Prepared by Abdul Muhaemin Karim

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