Fruits for the Week

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After the battle of Uhud, the Muslims buries their dead. They then praised and thanked Allah (swt) the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Many of those who died bravely in the battle were promised Paradise.

The rest of the Muslim army along with Muhammad (saw) returned to Madinah safely. In Madinah, the neighboring tribes and the Jews gave Muhammad (saw) and the Muslims endless problems. Allah (swt) the All-Mighty helped the Muslims overcome the plots of their enemies. Some of the Jews who were expelled from Madinah joined the Quraish.

This time they came with an army of ten thousand men, with Abu Sufyan as their leader. The enemies camped near Mount Uhud, waiting to attack the Muslims. Meanwhile the Muslims were only able to round up an army of three thousand men. They decided to stay in Madinah and defend the city by digging a long trench in front of it, hoping the Jews in Madinah would protect them from behind.

At the battle of Al-Ahzab, the trenches were the biggest surprise for the enemies. They attacked the city of Madinah for twenty days, but the Muslims fought the enemies off bravely.

The army of the Quraish was soon disunited and their leaders were fighting amongst themselves. One night, Allah (swt) sent a violent sand storm which blew their tents away and scattered their horses.

That same night Abu Sufyan and his army fled to Makkah, but some of them asked the Jews in Madinah for help. The Jews who were under the protection of the Muslims, disobeyed Muhammad (saw) by helping them. This made the Muslims very angry with the Jews.

Just as the Muslim army was putting their weapons away, Allah (swt) sent the angel Jibreel (as) to remind Muhammad (saw) to go after the tribe of Bani Qurayzah, the Jewish tribe which secretly help the Quraish during the battle of Al-Ahzab.

The Muslim army then marched towards the fortress of Banu Quraizah and attacked them for twenty-five days until they surrendered. All their warriors were killed and their booty was shared amongst the Muslims. After all the Jews were driven out of Madinah, the Muslims finally enjoyed some peace.

One day, Muhammad (saw) had a dream where the Muslims were performing Umrah, with their heads being shaved. Muhammad (saw) told his companions to make preparations to visit Makkah.

Many of the Muslims were excited and eager for this visit, because it had been six years since they had all left Makkah. One thousand five hundred Muslims made the journey to Makkah along with Muhammad (saw). None took their weapons with them.

In the meantime, the Quraish were preparing an army to stop the Muslims from visiting the Ka’bah. When the Muslims reached the border of Makkah, Muhammad (saw) sent a few of his closest companions to meet the leaders of the Quraish.

The companions were not welcomed by the Quraish leaders as they were angry with the Muslims for their losses in the battle of Al-Ahzab. After much difficulty a treaty was made between the leaders of the Quraish and Muhammad (saw). This treaty was called the treaty of Al-Hudaibiyah.

The Quraish and the Muslims made a promise that they would not fight each other for ten years. The Muslims had to return to Madinah without visiting the Ka’bah. They could only return to Makkah the following year for three days, to perform Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage.

The Muslims were disappointed but they all obeyed Muhammad (saw) by shaving their heads and making their sacrifice in the name of Allah (swt). They went back to Madinah, longing to come back the next year.

After Muhammad (saw) returned from Hudaibiyah, he asked a few of his able companions to take the Message of Islam to the lands beyond Arabia. These lands were ruled by Kings and Emperors.

The King of Persia, Kosroes, did not welcome the companions kindly. When Muhammad (saw) heard the news, he said that Islam would spread beyond the Persian Empire.

The companions who visited Heraclius, the Emperor of Rome, were warmly welcomed. He treated them with respect and sent back a reply along with some gifts. Heraclius refused to accept Islam even though he knew that Muhammad (saw) was the true Messenger of Allah (swt).

Another group was sent with the message of Islam to the King of Damascus. The King was so furious that he said: “Whoever dares to rid me of my country, I will fight him.” He arrogantly rejected the invitation to Islam.

One year has gone by and it was time for the Muslims to go for Umrah. Muhammad (saw) and two thousand Muslims along with their camels for sacrifice made the journey to Makkah. This time they entered Makkah without any problems. Many of the Quraish were hiding in the mountains and watching the Muslims.

The Muslims were busy following their leader Muhammad (saw). They did the Tawaf by going around the Ka’bah seven times. Then they walked and ran between the two hills of Safa and Marwa, seven times. Finally, they made their sacrifice and shaved their heads, seeking the mercy and forgiveness of Allah (swt), the Most Merciful.

They were able to complete their Umrah for the first time in many years. After three days in Makkah, the Messenger, Muhammad (saw) together with the Muslims left for Madinah. They kept their promise to the Quraish which they made a year ago.

Soon after the Muslims returned to Madinah, Khalid bin Walid (ra), one of the bravest fighters amongst the Quraish, accepted Islam. He led the Muslims to many victorious over the enemies of Islam. He was known as the “Sword of Allah.”

(To be continued)

by Abu Zahir

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