Fruits for the Week

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Allah (swt) said: “And my guidance cannot come except from Allah, in Him I trust and unto Him I repent.” (Qur’an 11: 88), and said: “You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.” (Qur’an 1: 5)

Tawakkal (trusting) and isti’anah (seeking help) are two of the greatest obligations and implications of Iman (faith). They are also among the best good deeds that draw one closer to the Most Beneficent. Surely, all matters occur and are led to success by Allah’s help alone and the slave has no choice or recourse, except by trusting and relying on Him. Certainly, whatever Allah wills occurs and whatever He does not will never occurs. The slaves cannot change their condition from one stage to another, except by Allah’s will. The slaves have no power or strength to worship Allah except through His help, nor can they resist evil and sin except when Allah grants them immunity. All types and parts of sustenance and provisions can be earned and perfected by trusting in Allah alone, just as the Messenger of Allah said: “If you truly trust in Allah as you should trust in Him, He will provide you with sustenance, just as He does to birds: they go out in the morning with empty stomach and come back in the evening with full stomachs.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) described those who trust in Allah as having two qualities: they seek means and ways of earning their livelihood and have great trust in, He who has full control of all means and ways of provision. Those who possess only one or none of these qualities will acquire failure and utter loss. In contrast, those who seek the legal and lawful ways of earning their sustenance, trust in Allah and appreciate his bounties whenever they earn them, all the while observing patience during times of hardship and distress, will acquire success and win what they need and covet.

Whoever seeks the ways and means of goodness, he will only earn all that is good and righteous by trusting in Allah and relying on Him for every need. Whoever strives hard against his own self to resist the lures of sin and disobedience, he will repel sin only through his trust and reliance on Him. Surely, he who relies on Allah, he will suffice for him. He who asks Allah for help and adheres to His obedience, He will correct the affairs of his life and religion for him. As for he who likes himself and lets his heart abandon the Lord, the Most Honor, he will only acquire failure and lose this life and the Hereafter.

How many are there, who seem weak and unable to earn their benefit, but are in fact strong on account of their trust and reliance on Allah, and so Allah helps them acquire their needs? How many are there, who seem strong and rely on this fact alone, but their strength deceived and departed them when they most needed it? Surely, he help and success that Allah grants is the only reserve and resource of supply for the faithful believers.

There is no success, or happiness, except by worshipping Allah, seeking His help and trusting in Him. Verily, Allah is the only deity worthy of worship and how excellent He is as a Helper: “Our Lord! In You alone we put our trust, and to you alone we turn in repentance, and to You alone is our final return.” (Qur’an 60: 4). And: “And so many a moving (living) creature carries not its own provision! Allah provides for it and for you. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-knower.” (Qur’an 29: 60)

by Darussalam

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