Fruits for the Week

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Islam secures consistency and rationality of belief through its logicality and rationality. Islam is embraced strongly by its followers. Islam keeps the Muslim away from ideological confusion, because Islam has no illogical or irrational principles.

Clear concept of Allah
Islam does not cause confusion to the believer concerning Allah. Allah is one. In Islam, Allah has no son or father. Allah has no parallel or equal.

According to Islam, Jesus is not the son of Allah. Jesus is Allah’s apostle. So is Moses. So is Muhammad, peace be upon them. So are all prophets and apostles. Allah has no son or sons.

If a belief holds that Allah has a son, this belief cannot cope with logic or rationality. A believer may pretend to follow such a belief through imitation or social pressure. But it is difficult for such a believer to continue holding such a belief, because such a belief does not satisfy the person’s concept of God. If God has a son, he is no more God.

Islam makes the Muslim feel secure with his faith, because all the principles and details of Islam are logical. In today’s Christianity, it is said that God had his son killed in order to save humanity. It is difficult for man to accept this, because it is against the justice and might of God. Why should God kill to save? It is unfair to kill an innocent person to save others. In addition, Allah does not need to kill anyone to save others. Allah can save without killing. Further, it is difficult to see the relationship between killing and saving. It is difficult to convince a person of how if Allah kills his son, other men are saved. Further, it is difficult to convince people that Allah killed his only son when He should protect him.

Allah has no sons
In Islam, everything is clear, logical, and rational. In Islam, Allah is One. Allah has no sons. Allah does not kill. A person is not saved by God’s killing another person. In Islam, you are saved or doomed by yourself and your deeds. In Islam, Allah showed us the right path and the wrong path through the Holy Qur’an; our responsibility is to choose either path; each one of us is saved or doomed according to his choice and, consequently, according to his deeds. Wirth this logic and rationality, Islam makes the Muslim feel secure with his faith.

Allah is One
Islam does not have the concept of Trinity or the concept of “the three in one”. It is very difficult for the human mind to accept or understand how one being can be Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit at the same time. The human mind understands that Allah is Allah, and that Allah cannot be God, Son, and Holy Spirit simultaneously. In addition, Allah has no sons and does not need sons, because Allah is the Owner of everything and the Creator of all beings.

Jesus did not say that he was Allah. Jesus said, “I do nothing of myself.” This means that miracles of Jesus are given to him by Allah, like all apostles before and after. He also said,” I am not yet ascended to my Father, but go to my brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.” This means that Jesus refers to God as Father metaphorically, because he says that God is his father and their father.

If Jesus is Allah, how did Allah kill him or have him killed? According to Islam, Jesus is a man, a perfect man, a holy man, an apostle chosen by God to be a model for the people he was sent to.

No mediation between man and Allah
In Islam, there is no mediation between man and Allah. You do not need to go to a priest to confess or repent to him. In Islam, every Muslim has a direct contact with Allah, no matter how weak, poor, or ignorant he is. In Islam, Allah is the God of all. Every Muslim decides by himself how near or how far he wants to be from God, depending on his choice, free will, and need. In Islam, there is no mediator between man and Allah.

No clergy
In Islam, there are no men of religion, as in some other beliefs. In Islam, every Muslim is responsible for his own belief and for Islam in general. In Islam, there are scholars of religion, but there is no class of clergymen.

No celibacy
In Islam, there is no celibacy, because celibacy is against human nature. Islam urges the Muslim to get married as soon as he can, because it is difficult for a normal man to be religious and unmarried at the same time. Islam, as a rule, does not go against human nature. Islam organizes human nature, but never destroys it or goes against it.

A complete code of life
Islam is a religion, but not in the Western meaning of religion. The Western connotation of the term “religion” is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion that organizes all the aspects of life on the scale of the individual and the nation. Islam organizes your relation with God, with yourself, with your father, with your mother, with your children, with your relatives, with your neighbor, with your guests, and with other brethren. Islam clearly establishes a clear system of worship, civil rights, laws of marriage and divorce, laws of inheritance, code of behavior, what to eat, what not to eat, what to drink, what not to drink, what to wear and what not to wear, how to worship God, the laws of war and peace, when to go to war and to go to peace, the law of economy, and the laws of selling and buying.

Islam is a complete code of life. Islam is not for mosques only. Islam is for life, daily life. Islam is a guide to life with all its aspects: socially, ethically, economically, and politically. Islam is a complete constitution.

(To be continued)

by Muhammad Ali AlKhuli

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