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 Update on Gaza

Gaza Crisis 2023

March 2024, Gaza Conflict Updates

Update (25th March):Four trucks have crossed the border, alhamdulillah, and our warehouse is stocked with goods ready to distribute. Distribution will commence in a day or two!

Update (17th March): We've packed and sent six trucks filled with essential supplies - including food, medicine, hygiene, and baby essentials. In early January 2024, Team MAA dispatched a massive convoy of ten trucks to Gaza, full of winter essentials, family food packs, and hygiene kits. Currently, these trucks are on their way to those most in need in Gaza, and we expect the goods to be distributed in sha Allah within the next week or two. Watch our latest Gaza Aid Convoy video below.

Update (January 2024): Critical shortages in basic necessities, compounded by a comprehensive blockade, are notable. The healthcare system is on the brink, with many hospitals ceasing operations due to fuel shortages and power outages.

Affected : 2.3M People

Killed : Over 23,700

Injured : Over 63,300

November 2023, Gaza Conflict Updates

In November 2023, The CEO of MMA Ayman Eldemallawy and Sheikh Abdel Moez were in Cairo, Egypt - supervising the procurement and packing of essential aid including food packs and medicines. Several truckloads of these goods entered Gaza and the aid was distributed to those most in need, in coordination with the Palestine Red Crescent and Ministry of Health, Gaza.

Watch the video below to find answers to your frequently asked questions about MAA's Palestine Emergency Appeal.

Over 2 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza and thousands in the West Bank are continuing to face immense hardship, death and horrible injuries, as they face an imminent ground invasion in the coming days. Innocent civilians and children have been targeted incluing in hospitals, places of worship and where they are seeking refuge. There is no place left for our Palestinian brothers and sisters to seek safety.

Affected : 2.3M People

Killed : 10,500+ people including over 4300 children and 2700 women

Injured : Over 28,000

We've all seen the disturbing photos and videos of the horrific situation unfolding in Gaza. At MAA, we are preparing and planning for all possible situations that may unfold, as alleviating human suffering is our most important goal.

How is aid Being Delivered?

With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations like MAA, are able to help those in need in the worst affected areas.

  1. Just days before the onset of the current crisis, MAA had purchased and stocked essential food packs, hygiene packs, and water. This proactive approach has enabled us to distribute these items to those affected by the conflict.
  2. Once the attacks started, our primary source of aid shifted to local suppliers within Gaza and despite great challenges on the ground, we have been able to continue our work at every opportunity possible. Hot meals have been prepared and distributed to over 11,000 people so far, and hundreds of hygiene kits and warm blankets have been distributed.
  3. The situation on the ground is constantly evolving, so with urgent supplies on the brink of depletion, essentials, especially disposable medical items, are becoming increasingly scarce. We therefore made plans to procure goods from across the border from Egypt.
  4. Since November 2023, MAA has sent over 15 trucks full of essential aid from Egypt to Gaza, and the plan moving forward is to continue doing so at every possible opportunity. We are constantly monitoring the situation and coordinating with local agencies to respond to the needs of the people of Gaza as soon as possible.

October 2023, Gaza Conflict Updates

Image Palestine Gaza 2023 20Over 1.1 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza are under pressure to move 'to the south', as they face an imminent ground invasion in the coming days. Innocent civilians and children have been targeted including in hospitals, places of worship and where they are seeking refuge.

Affected: 2.3M People
Deaths: Over 4,750+ people including 1750+ children and 960+ women
Injured: Over 17000 injured

 We've all seen the disturbing photos and videos of the horrific situation unfolding in Gaza. At MAA, we are preparing and planning for all possible situations that may unfold, as alleviating human suffering is our most important goal.


How Is Aid Being Delivered If Gaza's Borders Are Closed?

With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations like MAA, are able to help those in need in the worst affected areas.

With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations, like MAA, are managing to assist with border closures. Here's a comprehensive look into our efforts and challenges.

Image Palestine Gaza 2023 19

Just days before the onset of the current crisis, MAA had purchased and stocked essential food packs, hygiene packs, and water. This proactive approach has enabled us to distribute these items to those affected by the conflict. Since then, our primary source of aid has shifted to local suppliers within Gaza and despite great challenges on the ground, we have been able to continue our work at every opportunity possible.

The situation on the ground is constantly evolving though, so with urgent supplies on the brink of depletion, essentials, especially disposable medical items, are becoming increasingly scarce. As a backup, we are also making plans to procure goods from across the border as soon as possible.

Our teams on the ground are working tirelessly and navigating the situation's complexities. We remain hopeful that the mounting international pressures will lead to an easing of the closures, allowing more aid to flow into Gaza.

In light of the extensive destruction, we are also committed to allocating funds towards the rebuilding efforts, ensuring that the people of Gaza have the infrastructure and resources they need to rebuild their lives.

We understand the gravity of the situation and the trust our donors and the international community placed in us. Our track record speaks to our commitment and dedication, and we assure you that every effort is being made to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza.


Gaza, Palestine Overview 2023

Gaza, Palestine, has been a focal point of humanitarian strife for years. Home to over two million people within its 362 square kilometers, its dense population grapples daily with challenges intensified by geographic isolation, scarce resources, and an unstable economy.

Image Palestine Gaza 2023 16


  • Food Insecurity: Alarmingly, over 70% of Gaza's households face food insecurity, a situation exacerbated by the region's ongoing conflicts.
  • Water Crisis: A staggering 90% of Gaza's water is unsuitable for consumption, posing severe health risks to its inhabitants.
  • Economic Strain: With limited resources and access, unemployment soars, opportunities dwindle, and the region becomes increasingly reliant on international aid.
  • Health & Education: Limited access to essential services like healthcare and education hampers the growth and well-being of Gaza's residents.

Nearly two million Palestinians remain at risk, facing violence, displacement, and restricted access to basic necessities and rights. Their access to essential services, freedom of movement, and many human rights are denied or limited, leading to inadequate medical care and hindered opportunities for work and education.


MAA's Relief Efforts

Image Emergency Palestine Gaza 2023 Distribution 1For over two decades, MAA has been providing support in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, offering both emergency relief and long-term rehabilitation. Our mission is unwavering: to alleviate the suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and help them rebuild their lives. Your generous donation can be the catalyst for change, bringing home, clean water, food and a brighter future.





Help those affected by the conflict in Palestine.


Sources: Muslim Aid Austrila (MMA)


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الأربعاء 10 المحرّم 1446
Wednesday Muharram 10 1446
Wednesday July 17 2024
Fajr 04:25
Chourouk 05:49
Zhur 12:35
Asr 17:06
Maghrib 19:13
Ishaa 20:34



  • Method of Calculation: University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
  • Asr Juristic Method: Hanafi