
  • Donation Methods

    Donation Methods 


    Online- Credit Card

    You can make online donations with your credit card (VISA/ MasterCard) at our website.

    Online - Faster Payment System (FPS)

    Make instant donations with your BANK's app which you register with FPS service. Our FPS Identifier/Proxy ID is 165111451 / Mobile No. is: 67018807
    Please state your Name, Tel, and the destination of the fund(s). A receipt will be issued upon request. (Please provide the screenshot for easy reference, email to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)


    Traditional way


    You can make donations on monthly contributions by autopay. Please complete the Donation form.


    You can send a crossed cheque made payable to “The Islamic Union of Hong Kong” by mail or in-person to the Account Department.


    You can make a donation in cash/cheque at our office.


    • Donations of HK$ 100 or over are tax-deductible.
    • Office Address: Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre, 7/F., 40 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Monday to Sunday. Office Hours:  10:00 - 17:00.


    Projects / Funds
     Zaket Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Aid to Palestine
    General Donation (Sadaqah)  
      Masjid Maintenance Fund  
     Donations solicited for major renovations of Masjid Ammar O.R. Sadick Islamic Centre  
  • Overseas Iftar Appeal 2024

  • Sadaqah

     General Donation Sadaqah

    What is Sadaqah?

    The word sadaqah literally means righteousness. In Islam, it refers to a virtuous deed or an act of kindness done without the expectation of getting anything in return in order to please Allah. Sadaqah also describes a voluntary charitable act towards others, whether through generosity, love, compassion, or faith. These acts are not necessarily physical or monetary. Simple good deeds such as a smile, or a helping hand, are seen as acts of sadaqah.


    What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

    Sadaqah jariyah is a special type of voluntary charity. It is ongoing. The recipient will benefit from the charity continually, and it is believed that this means that the giver will be receiving good deeds for a long time – even after his death. For example, giving water, through establishing a water hand pump or well, however, is an act of sadaqah jariyah. A water well allows people to obtain water whenever they wish, and the longevity of the intervention means that it will benefit people for generations to come. In turn, the donation to water projects will continue benefiting the giver for years to come, even long after he has passed away. For this reason, many Muslims strive to give sadaqah jariyah, so that they may reap as many rewards as possible and seek closeness to Allah (SWT).


    Are zakat and sadaqah the same thing? 

    No. It is not the same thing.

    Zakat and sadaqah are forms of worship done by Muslims. The two are different in their own respects. All actions of righteousness in Islam are considered sadaqah. Zakat, on the other hand, is a form of charity of a compulsive nature in which the rich have to pay, and it is one of the five fundamental foundations of Islam. This makes it a compulsory act, and therefore, all Muslims must give zakat, provided they meet certain conditions, while sadaqah is an intended and continuous act of uprightness, which everyone has to carry out no matter what their ability.

    There are 10 key differences between zakat and sadaqah:

    • Zakat is obligatory once a year whilst sadaqah is never obligator
    • Zakat is paid on specific assets such as gold, silver, cash, business assets, agricultural produce, and livestock whereas sadaqah has no such specification in terms of assets.
    • Certain liabilities can be deducted from a zakat whereas sadaqah has no calculation in which liabilities are deducted.
    • Zakat was collected and distributed by the Islamic government or institution whereas sadaqah is always a personal act of kindness.
    • According to some schools of law, zakat can be forcefully taken. The state can take punitive measures on the non-payers of zakat. Whereas sadaqah is never enforced upon people.
    • Abandoning zakat payments is tantamount to a type of treason whereas not giving sadaqah is not sinful.
    • Zakat has thresholds and bands (nisab) whereas sadaqah has no thresholds.
    • Zakat was generally distributed where it was collected whereas sadaqah can be spent anywhere.
    • Zakat has specific areas and categories for spend whereas sadaqah does not have defined recipients.
    • Zakat is monetary whereas sadaqah can be non-monetary too.


    Who can give Sadaqah and who can Sadaqah be given to?

    Sadaqah is a voluntary form of charity that can be performed by anyone, for anyone including animals.
    As there are loose rules around giving sadaqah, there are no rules on who can receive sadaqah as it is an act of kindness intended to provide aid and support to anyone in need – but they must be in need.


    What are the benefits of giving Sadaqah?

    There are ten benefits of giving sadaqah:

    • It cures illness and prevents evil death.
    • It eases hardships and removes calamities.
    • It is an investment in this life and the hereafter.
    • It atones sins.
    • It opens the gates of paradise.
    • It offers shade on the Day of Judgement.
    • It purifies the soul.
    • It is a way of accepting du’a.
    • It creates balance and benefits to all societies  
    • It is a way to earn rewards after death


  • Update on Gaza 2023

     Update on Gaza

    Gaza Crisis 2023

    March 2024, Gaza Conflict Updates

    Update (25th March):Four trucks have crossed the border, alhamdulillah, and our warehouse is stocked with goods ready to distribute. Distribution will commence in a day or two!

    Update (17th March): We've packed and sent six trucks filled with essential supplies - including food, medicine, hygiene, and baby essentials. In early January 2024, Team MAA dispatched a massive convoy of ten trucks to Gaza, full of winter essentials, family food packs, and hygiene kits. Currently, these trucks are on their way to those most in need in Gaza, and we expect the goods to be distributed in sha Allah within the next week or two. Watch our latest Gaza Aid Convoy video below.

    Update (January 2024): Critical shortages in basic necessities, compounded by a comprehensive blockade, are notable. The healthcare system is on the brink, with many hospitals ceasing operations due to fuel shortages and power outages.

    Affected: 2.3M People

    Killed: Over 23,700

    Injured: Over 63,300

    November 2023, Gaza Conflict Updates

    In November 2023, The CEO of MMA Ayman Eldemallawy and Sheikh Abdel Moez were in Cairo, Egypt - supervising the procurement and packing of essential aid including food packs and medicines. Several truckloads of these goods entered Gaza and the aid was distributed to those most in need, in coordination with the Palestine Red Crescent and Ministry of Health, Gaza.

    Watch the video below to find answers to your frequently asked questions about MAA's Palestine Emergency Appeal.

    Over 2 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza and thousands in the West Bank are continuing to face immense hardship, death and horrible injuries, as they face an imminent ground invasion in the coming days. Innocent civilians and children have been targeted incluing in hospitals, places of worship and where they are seeking refuge. There is no place left for our Palestinian brothers and sisters to seek safety.

    Affected: 2.3M People

    Killed: 10,500+ people including over 4300 children and 2700 women

    Injured: Over 28,000

    We've all seen the disturbing photos and videos of the horrific situation unfolding in Gaza. At MAA, we are preparing and planning for all possible situations that may unfold, as alleviating human suffering is our most important goal.

    How is aid Being Delivered?

    With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations like MAA, are able to help those in need in the worst affected areas.

    1. Just days before the onset of the current crisis, MAA had purchased and stocked essential food packs, hygiene packs, and water. This proactive approach has enabled us to distribute these items to those affected by the conflict.
    2. Once the attacks started, our primary source of aid shifted to local suppliers within Gaza and despite great challenges on the ground, we have been able to continue our work at every opportunity possible. Hot meals have been prepared and distributed to over 11,000 people so far, and hundreds of hygiene kits and warm blankets have been distributed.
    3. The situation on the ground is constantly evolving, so with urgent supplies on the brink of depletion, essentials, especially disposable medical items, are becoming increasingly scarce. We therefore made plans to procure goods from across the border from Egypt.
    4. Since November 2023, MAA has sent over 15 trucks full of essential aid from Egypt to Gaza, and the plan moving forward is to continue doing so at every possible opportunity. We are constantly monitoring the situation and coordinating with local agencies to respond to the needs of the people of Gaza as soon as possible.

    October 2023, Gaza Conflict Updates

    Image Palestine Gaza 2023 20Over 1.1 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza are under pressure to move 'to the south', as they face an imminent ground invasion in the coming days. Innocent civilians and children have been targeted including in hospitals, places of worship and where they are seeking refuge.

    Affected: 2.3M People
    Deaths: Over 4,750+ people including 1750+ children and 960+ women
    Injured: Over 17000 injured

     We've all seen the disturbing photos and videos of the horrific situation unfolding in Gaza. At MAA, we are preparing and planning for all possible situations that may unfold, as alleviating human suffering is our most important goal.


    How Is Aid Being Delivered If Gaza's Borders Are Closed?

    With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations like MAA, are able to help those in need in the worst affected areas.

    With the humanitarian crisis in Gaza intensifying, many have raised concerns and questions about how international aid organisations, like MAA, are managing to assist with border closures. Here's a comprehensive look into our efforts and challenges.

    Image Palestine Gaza 2023 19

    Just days before the onset of the current crisis, MAA had purchased and stocked essential food packs, hygiene packs, and water. This proactive approach has enabled us to distribute these items to those affected by the conflict. Since then, our primary source of aid has shifted to local suppliers within Gaza and despite great challenges on the ground, we have been able to continue our work at every opportunity possible.

    The situation on the ground is constantly evolving though, so with urgent supplies on the brink of depletion, essentials, especially disposable medical items, are becoming increasingly scarce. As a backup, we are also making plans to procure goods from across the border as soon as possible.

    Our teams on the ground are working tirelessly and navigating the situation's complexities. We remain hopeful that the mounting international pressures will lead to an easing of the closures, allowing more aid to flow into Gaza.

    In light of the extensive destruction, we are also committed to allocating funds towards the rebuilding efforts, ensuring that the people of Gaza have the infrastructure and resources they need to rebuild their lives.

    We understand the gravity of the situation and the trust our donors and the international community placed in us. Our track record speaks to our commitment and dedication, and we assure you that every effort is being made to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza.


    Gaza, Palestine Overview 2023

    Gaza, Palestine, has been a focal point of humanitarian strife for years. Home to over two million people within its 362 square kilometers, its dense population grapples daily with challenges intensified by geographic isolation, scarce resources, and an unstable economy.

    Image Palestine Gaza 2023 16


    • Food Insecurity: Alarmingly, over 70% of Gaza's households face food insecurity, a situation exacerbated by the region's ongoing conflicts.
    • Water Crisis: A staggering 90% of Gaza's water is unsuitable for consumption, posing severe health risks to its inhabitants.
    • Economic Strain: With limited resources and access, unemployment soars, opportunities dwindle, and the region becomes increasingly reliant on international aid.
    • Health & Education: Limited access to essential services like healthcare and education hampers the growth and well-being of Gaza's residents.

    Nearly two million Palestinians remain at risk, facing violence, displacement, and restricted access to basic necessities and rights. Their access to essential services, freedom of movement, and many human rights are denied or limited, leading to inadequate medical care and hindered opportunities for work and education.


    MAA's Relief Efforts

    Image Emergency Palestine Gaza 2023 Distribution 1For over two decades, MAA has been providing support in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, offering both emergency relief and long-term rehabilitation. Our mission is unwavering: to alleviate the suffering of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and help them rebuild their lives. Your generous donation can be the catalyst for change, bringing home, clean water, food and a brighter future.





    Help those affected by the conflict in Palestine.


    Sources: Muslim Aid Austrila (MMA)


    Online Donation

  • Urgent Appeal for Humanitarian Aid to Palestine

  • Zakat



    What is Zakat?

    Zakat (poor-due) is the third pillar of Islam. It is obligatory but only for those Muslim men and women who possess wealth above a certain limit. The word zakat means to purify. It purifies and protects our soul from miserliness, selfishness, and greed, and purifies our wealth from the evils of this world.

    It is a form of worship (ibadah) in terms of wealth. Zakat cleanses your soul, purifies and grows your wealth, and is a socio-religious tool to help eradicate poverty in a community or society. Zakat is also a spiritual bridge and connection to Allah to purify your wealth for the will of Allah and to His cause is to acknowledge that everything one owns belongs to Him, and it is for Him that we strive to end poverty.


    How does zakat work?

    There are four simple steps to working out your zakat:

    • Work out what you own.
    • Then take off what you owe.
    • Work out the balance and check that it is more than the Nisab value.
    • Work out 2.5% of that and there you go, you have got your zakat amount.

    Since the payment of zakat is an act of worship, its validity depends upon the expression of one’s intention. That is, the zakat payer should pay it for the sake of Allah; he should make up his mind, with all of his heart that zakat is an obligation to be discharged.



    What is nisab and its current value?

    Nisab is the minimum amount that a Muslim must have before being obliged to zakat. The Nisab was set by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at a rate equivalent to 87.48 grams of gold and 612.36 grams of silver

    As we no longer use gold or silver as currency, you need to find out the equivalent monetary exchange value of the rates the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) set in your local currency. You can do this by checking the market rate of gold and silver. The two values used to calculate the Nisab threshold are gold and silver.

    When is the zakat due date?

    Zakat is payable if you have completed the Haul which is a period of 1 Hijri year (355 days). For first-timers, your Haul period begins when your savings account first meets the Nisab. For recurring zakat payers, the Haul period begins from the last zakat payment date.

  • 加沙情況更新


    加沙危機 2023



    超過200萬巴勒斯坦人被困在加沙,數千人在西岸繼續面臨巨大的苦難、死亡和可怕的傷害,因為他們將在未來幾天面臨迫在眉睫的地面入侵。 無辜平民和兒童成為攻擊目標,包括醫院、禮拜場所和尋求庇護的地方。 我們的巴勒斯坦兄弟姊妹已經沒有地方可以尋求安全了。

    受影響人數:230 萬人

    死亡人數:10,500 多人,其中包括 4,300 多名兒童和 2,700 名婦女

    受傷人數:超過 28,000 人

    我們都看到了加沙正在發生的可怕局勢的令人不安的照片和影片。 在 MAA,我們正在為可能出現的所有可能情況做好準備和計劃,因為減輕人類痛苦是我們最重要的目標。


    Image Palestine Gaza 2023 20超過110萬被困在加沙的巴勒斯坦人面臨著「向南」遷移的壓力,因為他們在未來幾天將面臨迫在眉睫的地面入侵。 無辜平民和兒童成為攻擊目標,包括在醫院、禮拜場所和尋求庇護的地方。


    我們都看到了加沙正在發生的可怕局勢的令人不安的照片和影片。在 MAA,我們正在為可能出現的所有可能情況做好準備和計劃,因為減輕人類痛苦是我們最重要的目標。



    隨著加沙人道危機的加劇,許多人對 MAA 等國際援助組織如何設法協助關閉邊境表示擔憂和疑問。 以下是對我們的努力和挑戰的全面了解。Image Palestine Gaza 2023 19

    就在當前危機爆發前幾天,MAA 購買並儲備了必需的食品包、衛生包和水。 這種積極主動的做法使我們能夠將這些物品分發給受衝突影響的人。 從那時起,我們的主要援助來源已轉向加薩當地供應商,儘管當地面臨巨大挑戰,但我們仍然能夠利用一切可能的機會繼續我們的工作。

    然而,當地局勢不斷變化,緊急物資瀕臨耗盡,必需品,特別是一次性醫療用品,變得越來越稀缺。 作為備份,我們也計劃盡快跨境採購貨物。

    我們的實地團隊正在不懈地努力,以應對局勢的複雜性。 我們仍然希望,不斷增加的國際壓力將導致封鎖放鬆,讓更多援助流入加沙。


    我們了解局勢的嚴重性以及捐助者和國際社會對我們的信任。 我們的業績記錄證明了我們的承諾和奉獻精神,我們向你們保證,我們正在盡一切努力減輕加沙人民的痛苦。

    巴勒斯坦加沙概況 2023 年

    巴勒斯坦加沙多年來一直是人道衝突的焦點。 其 362 平方公里的土地上居住著超過 200 萬人口,人口稠密,每天都在應對因地理隔離、資源稀缺和經濟不穩定而加劇的挑戰。

    Image Palestine Gaza 2023 16


    • 糧食不安全:令人擔憂的是,超過 70% 的加沙家庭面臨糧食不安全,該地區持續的衝突加劇了這種情況。
    • 水源危機:加沙90%的水不適合飲用,對居民造成嚴重的健康風險。
    • 經濟壓力:由於資源和管道有限,失業率飆升,機會減少,該地區越來越依賴國際援助。
    • 健康與教育:獲得醫療保健和教育等基本服務的機會有限,阻礙了加薩居民的成長和福祉。

    近200萬巴勒斯坦人仍面臨風險,面臨暴力、流離失所以及獲得基本必需品和權利受到限制。 他們獲得基本服務、行動自由和許多人權的機會被剝奪或限制,導致醫療保健不足,工作和教育機會受到阻礙。


    Image Emergency Palestine Gaza 2023 Distribution 1

    MAA 的救援工作

    二十多年來,MAA 一直在巴勒斯坦,特別是加沙提供支持,提供緊急救濟和長期復原。 我們的使命堅定不移:減輕巴勒斯坦兄弟姊妹的痛苦,幫助他們重建生活。 您的慷慨捐贈可以成為改變的催化劑,為家鄉帶來乾淨的水、食物和更光明的未來。









    Online Donation