Muslims are more Christian than Christians 穆斯林比基督徒更像基督徒 |
The last 10 days of Ramadan 齋月的最後10天 |
Ramadan in a pandemic 疫情下的齋戒月 |
Fasting Q&As 齋戒12問 |
Zakat Q&As 天課12問 |
Welcoming Ramadan 迎接齋月 |
Imam Uthman Yang talks about Night of Barat 楊興本教長:淺談懺悔夜 |
Why I converted to Islam 我為什麼皈依伊斯蘭教 |
Conversion Ceremony in 2015
The Truth about Life
Islam in HK 香港穆斯林 part1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3TCYtfsyVc part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r4wBYB0Z5U part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asz-LK_YhEc part 4 |
Conversion Ceremony in 2010 2010年入教儀式 |
My Journey to Islam 我皈依伊斯蘭教的歷程 part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lK7ZZ_UQNg part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXcHYcmOl0c part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y55OHH4Y0cg part 4 |
Azan Competition 喚禮比賽 |
Understanding, Respect & Harmony in Islam Seminar by renowned scholars from China, Taiwan & Hong Kong 伊斯蘭 – 理解 .尊重. 和諧 研討會
Islam and Globalization 伊斯蘭與全球化
https://youtu.be/b5l1hbTQ-1U?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Contribution of Islam to World Civilization
潘世杰博士 (河南省社會科學院研究員)
https://youtu.be/T9Q9sNQqywo?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Promotion of the Concept of Peace in Islam and Building a Harmonious Society
弘揚伊斯蘭的和平理念為構建和諧 社會做貢獻
https://youtu.be/Ypu2o91ccUc?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Education in Islam
https://youtu.be/WOXctRCFKV8?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Islam and Modern Societ
Pro. James D. Frankel, Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
https://youtu.be/nDdLey_2qGo?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Integration of Islam and Chinese Traditional Culture
https://youtu.be/vAK1HRCpn3s?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Understanding and Respect-Keys to Harmony
脫建明阿訇 (南京市淨覺寺教長)
https://youtu.be/TEgSFdRD0f4?list=PLTvHdjXYGmr-X-7L0BW4B5flhKtxHQrRa |
Understanding and Respect: Way of Getting Along with People in a Multicultural Society 姚繼德博士 (雲南大學教授)